October 10, 2024

Bookmarks: single cell RNA-seq tutorials and tools

These are my bookmarks for single cell transcriptomics resources and tutorials.

scRNA-seq introductions

How to make R objects for single cell data, e.g. SingleCellExperiment, SummarizedExperiment  

Getting Started with Seurat v4  (Satija lab tutorials list)

  • Many tutorials here, for different scRNA-seq goals

Guided clustering tutorial with 3000 PBMC cells

  • Setup Seurat object
  • Standard pre-processing workflow & quality control
  • Data normalization
  • Identifying highly variable features (genes)
  • Clustering, UMAP/tSNE plots
  • Differential gene expression analysis

Basics of single cell analysis with Bioconductor

University of Cambridge intro to single cell RNA-seq analysis

  • Identification of low-quality cells using MADs values

Lectures, textbooks, video tutorials, & interpretation

Determining the optimal number of clusters with elbow plots

OSCA Basics: Basics of Single-Cell Analysis with Bioconductor by Robert Amezquita, Aaron Lun, Stephanie Hicks, Raphael Gottardo (2024)
  • Quality control - various QC metrics, identifying & removing low quality cells, diagnostic plots
  • Normalization - library size, deconvolution, spike-ins, scaling and log-transformation
  • Feature selection - quantifying variation, sequencing noises, batch effects, etc
  • Dimensionality reduction - PCA plots
  • Clustering - k means clustering, hierarchical clustering, subclustering
  • Marker gene detection - dot plots, expression plots
  • Cell type annotation - using other references, specific genes, markers, diagnostic heatmaps
  • Using references
  • Annotation diagnostics
  • Using multiple references
  • Exploiting cell ontology
  • Example dataset from pancreas
10x Genomics tutorial:
YouTube tutorials:

Data visualization - types of plots and how to make them

Data visualization methods in Seurat  - ridge plots, violin plots, feature plots, dot plots, heatmaps, visualizing coexpression

Split Dot Plot  - color code by an additional variable such as a condition

Clustered dot plot using ComplexHeatmap

Let's Plot 7: Clustered Dot Plots in the ggverse  (Eye Informatician)

tSNE vs UMAP, two methods to show clustering:

SCpubr - an R package to make publication ready plots for single cell RNA-seq

  • Dim plots - dimensional reduction, similar to PCA or UMAP plots
  • Feature plots - dim plot with a continuous scale for gene expression visualization across clusters
  • Nebulosa plots - computes a density plot for specific gene markers so you can see where they are most expressed
  • Bee Swarm plots
  • Violin plots
  • Ridge plots - multiple violin plots together
  • Dot plots - show gene expression of different markers across different clusters
  • Bar plots
  • Box plots
  • Geyser plots
  • Alluvian plots
  • Sankey plots
  • Chord Diagram plots - circos plots
  • Volcano plots

Labeling, label transfer, single cell reference mapping

Mapping and annotating query datasets (Satija lab, Oct 2023)

Web Resources for Cell Type Annotation  (10x Genomics Analysis Guide, 2024)

Azimuth: App for reference based single cell analysis - helps annotate clusters. You can upload the Seurat object .rds file to the app and get predictions. Troubleshoot error with Seurat v5.

Batch correction

Harmony R package  ( Korsunsky et al 2019 Nature Methods ) - method for batch correction of single cell data

Receptor-Ligand interactions

LIANA: a LIgand-receptor ANalysis frAmework  - an R package and python tool for identifying and scoring receptor-ligand interactions in datasets

Spatial transcriptomics

Analysis of spatial datasets (Sequencing-based)

Analysis of spatial datasets (Imaging-based)

STELLAR ( Python based tool ) from Stanford to annotate single cell data, can be used for cross tissue and cross donor spatial transcriptomics data

Multiomics: scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq

Integrating scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq data  (Satija lab)

Integrative analysis in Seurat v5 (Satija lab, Oct 2023)

"For this vignette, we use a dataset of human PBMC profiled with seven different technologies , profiled as part of a systematic comparative analysis (pbmcsca). The data is available as part of our SeuratData package."

Azimuth annotation for scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq data (Satija lab)

scRNA-seq data analysis for non-programmers

Galaxy  - software for nonprogrammers to use for scRNA-seq analysis

Background reading - general

Background reading - placenta, endometrium

  • Mareckova M, Garcia-Alonso L, ..., Vento-Tormo R. "An integrated single-cell reference atlas of the human endometrium." Nature Genetics , 2024 . [PMID: 39198675 ; PMCID: PMC11387200 ]
    • Human endometrium with/without endometriosis
    • ReproductiveCellAtlas.org
    • HECA = Human Endometrium Cell Atlas, >313k cells
    • Integrated 6 scRNA-seq databases & new Mareckova (cells) dataset

  • Wang M, Liu Y, ..., Wang H. "Single-nucleus multi-omic profiling of human placental syncytiotrophoblasts identifies cellular trajectories during pregnancy." Nature Genetics , 2022 . [PMID: 38267607 ; PMCID: PMC10864176 ]
    • Human placenta at first and late third trimester
    • n=6 placenta in early pregnancy (6-9 weeks gestation)
    • n=6 placenta in late pregnancy (38-39 weeks gestation)
    • Integrated separate snRNA-seq and snATAC-seq

  • Ji K, Chen L, ..., Liu H. "Integrating single-cell RNA sequencing with spatial transcriptomics reveals an immune landscape of human myometrium during labour." Clin Trans Med, 2022 . [PMID: 37095651 ; PMCID: PMC10126311 ]
    • Human myometrial tissue collected during C-section deliveries (singleton, uncomplicated full term)
    • n=6 TIL, term in labor
    • n=6 TNL, tern in non-labor
    • Tissue was washed with PBS, minced and enzymatically dissociated briefly:
      3 mg/ml collagenase IV, 2 mg/ml papain , and 120 Units/ml DNases I ) at 37C for 20 min . Cell suspension was passed through stacked 70-30um filters, then passed through the Dead Cell Removal Kit (Miltenyi). Washed with PBS + 0.04% BSA twice.

  • Koel M, Krjutskov, ... Altmae S. "Human endometrial cell-type-specific RNA sequencing provides new insights into the embryo–endometrium interplay." Human Reproduction , 2022 . [PMID: 36339249 ; PMCID: PMC9632455 ]
    • Human endometrium cells sorted with FACS, then bulk RNA-seq
    • n=16 healthy women from Estonia and Spain, mean age 29.7, normal BMI, no hormonal medication for 3 months; normal serum levels of progesterone, prolactin, and testosterone; negative for STIs, no uterine pathologies or endometriosis or PCOS, at least one live birth.
    • Per woman, n=2 endometrial biopsies within the same menstrual cycle (early secretory & mid-secretory/receptive phases)
    • NCBI GEO accession GSE97929 (32 samples): 16 paired endometrial samples 

  • Sun T*,  Gonzalez TL* , ..., Pisarska MD. “Sexually dimorphic crosstalk at the maternal-fetal interface.” J Clin Endocrinol Metab , 2020 . [PMID: 32772088 ; PMCID: PMC7571453 ]
    • Human placenta at late first trimester during CVS appointments
    • NCBI GEO accession GSE131696  (6 samples) = Single cell RNA-seq
    • NCBI GEO accession GSE131874  (8 samples) = Bulk total RNA-seq of matched decidua and placenta
    • Tissue was washed with PBS, minced and enzymatically dissociated:
      300U/ml collagenase , 0.25%  trypsin , and 200μg/ml DNase I  at  37C for 90 min . Cells spun 1200 rpm for 10 min, resuspended in Chang medium (which contains 16% serum), and treated with 1x red blood cell lysis buffer for 15 min, then cells were washed again and strained through a 70um filter. [ Details ]

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Bookmarks: single cell RNA-seq tutorials and tools

These are my bookmarks for single cell transcriptomics resources and tutorials. scRNA-seq introductions How to make R obj...