SQL (Standard Query Language) is a programming language used for database filtering and editing. It is used in places like hospitals and libraries. Useful links below.
Tutorial with an online practice environment:
Step-by-step tutorial with quizzes:
If you know R programming, you can also pass SQL queries through R:
Resources for molecular biology, programming, data visualization, and manuscript preparation. Publication and data links. For coworkers, collaborators, mentees, and people interested in my research. I currently study human placenta transcriptomics and cell biology. I previously studied structured RNAs, plant gene regulation, and host-pathogen interactions.
Bookmarks: single cell RNA-seq tutorials and tools
These are my bookmarks for single cell transcriptomics resources and tutorials. scRNA-seq introductions How to make R obj...
If the cells don't lyse well, they result in a smear instead of a band. Example 1% agarose gel of Agrobacterium tumefaciens colony PCR...
Blood components as separated by density gradient 1. Plasma: yellow layer on top, 55% of blood volume 2. Buffy coat (leukocytes and pla...
FASTA format FASTA files are text files used to store sequence information. The format is 2 lines of text: >title line starting with a gr...