August 15, 2020

Publication: Sexually dimorphic crosstalk at the maternal-fetal interface

Tianyanxin Sun*, Tania L Gonzalez*, Nan Deng, Rosemarie DiPentino, Ekaterina L Clark, Bora Lee, Jie Tang, Yizhou Wang, Barry R Stripp, Changfu Yao, Hsian-Rong Tseng, S Ananth Karumanchi, Alexander F Koeppel, Stephen D Turner, Charles R Farber, Stephen S Rich, Erica T Wang, John Williams, III, Margareta D Pisarska. 

"Sexually dimorphic crosstalk at the maternal-fetal interface". The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 105(12): e4831-e4847, 2020

*Co-first authors.


  • PubMed ID: 32772088
  • Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism research article
    • Receptor-ligand gene expression
    • Cell markers of placenta cell types
    • Cell markers of trophoblast cell types within placenta (subanalysis)
    • Gene expression differences due to fetal sex
  • Preprint at bioRxiv
    • Includes additional information about the bulk RNA-seq of first trimester maternal-fetal interface using matched maternal decidua and placenta (CVS) RNA-seq
    • Includes additional details about the single cell RNA-seq tSNE plots and cell developmental trajectories
  • Sequencing data deposited into NCBI GEO superseries GSE131875
    • GSE131696: Single cell RNA-sequencing of CVS samples
      • N=6 placenta at late first trimester, 3 female and 3 male
      • See preprint for extended details on the cell differentiation trajectory of cytotrophoblasts (stem cell-like) into extravillous trophoblasts (migratory/invasive cells) and syncytiotrophoblasts (multi-nuclei fused cells that act as a protective barrier in placenta).
    • GSE131874: Total RNA-sequencing of matched maternal decidua and CVS tissue
      • N=4/group, 2 pregnancies with female fetus, 2 pregnancies with male fetus
      • N=8 samples total, 4 placenta and 4 decidua from 4 pregnancies
      • See preprint for matched CVS vs decidua differential gene expression analysis
      • We did not focus on this as much in the published version
    • All pregnancies continued to full term delivery & live births
  • Supplemental Figures deposited into
    • Collection:
    • Figure S1 = PCA plot of matched chorionic villi and maternal decidua (bulk RNA-seq)
    • Figure S2 = Heatmaps of differentially expressed genes from pairwide comparison of placental cell clusters (single cell analysis)
    • Table S1 = Patient demographics and pregnancy outcomes
      • 4 pregnancies for bulk RNA-seq
      • 6 pregnancies for single cell RNA-seq
      • 7 pregnancies for immunohistochemistry to validate single cell RNA-seq
    • Table S2 = Placental cell markers from single cell RNA sequencing
    • Table S3 = Placental cell type-specific sexually dimorphic genes
    • Table S4 = Placenta receptors and ligands sexually dimorphic in both bulk and single cell RNA sequencing
    • Table S5 = Trophoblast subcluster markers in human first trimester
    • Links to are correct in the final published version, but not the pre-proof PubMed Central version.

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